Something just doesn't feel right. I wish I could explain why but I can't. I guess it's just one of those random day when I'm struck with sadness for no reason. My mind has been lost lately and I just don't understand anything anymore. I want it back, I want my life back.
I wanted to blog a proper update (there's so much to tell!) but I can’t because currently, I'm tied down with so much tasks on hands.

I'm so so dead, I haven't even started on the sponsored post from Nuffnang which dues on the first week of March and I still have 2 major summative assignments yet to be done. So many stuffs yet so little time. Bless my soul, one more month to finals. Life sucks cause it’s no fun being so occupied that I have to missed a few events. I'm even down with severe cough, mild flu and sorethroat to an extend that I actually lost my voice. Thank God that I'm feeling better now but I still have the cough, annoying much. I srsly can't wait for Friday alrdy <3 It's gonna be another early weekend for me woohoo (not that I'm complaining)
& I know this post is kinda pointless but I just feel better after letting it all out. I'm best at ranting, don't you know? Geez goodnight!
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