Senin, 04 April 2011

The mysterious symbol

Last Wednesday, a guy and a lady suited up in black were spotted at Cathay Cineplex when we were collecting our tickets for the premiere screening of HOP. They looked really serious, neither do they smile nor talk (not even a single word). All they did was approaching people and handed them a document sealed in plastic, taken out from their briefcase. The funny thing was they will actually pose for your camera LOL

These are the two that I mentioned. The guy was so good looking that Carmen had her eyes glued on him for quite some time and some of them even said that he looked like Edison Chen! Errr, maybe a bit. & I noticed there was a man with a huge ass DSLR taking photos of them from every corners, he might their photographer. So obviously they are not aliens PFFT

Moving on to the document, behold I saw this orange symbol! The night before, I actually came across a blog that blogged about this mysterious symbol & I've been seeing this symbol on TV as well (no words nothing; just a short clip showing this symbol -___-)

A blog URL was written on an orange paper attached together with the document, so I typed the blog URL and started searching. The whole blog was about stories of the mysterious symbol.

Besides, there's a link stated in the document - but the link doesn't seem to work. Some says the mystery is gonna be revealed on this link on 6th April. We shall see then.

Besides, I searched through youtube as well and found this two videos with the mysterious symbol in Msia! You gotta be kiddin' me :s 

This symbol is like the new talk in town and from what I see from other blogs, it's just the same two photos with the symbol in it that keeps circulating around. I strongly believe that this has nothing to do with alien invasion, 2012 doomsday or aftermath of the radiation from Japan. Common, it just doesnt make sense.

So what's your say?


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