What's cuter than a cupcake? A cake pop, of course! If you never heard of cake pops or never seen one, cake pops are basically cakes, crumbled and mixed with frosting. They are rolled into small balls and dipped into melted candy coating using a lollipop stick. It can be any cake, be it butter cake, chocolate cake or even red velvet cake!
No no, this post is not about me baking cake pops but I had them for my birthday :D Yes, it was another surprise from Sie Yii since she couldn't make it that night. I seriously have really awesome friends (: I went to class on Tuesday, just like any other day and was shocked to see this huge nicely packed cake pops on my table. Thanks so much ♡♡♡
All mine(!) but I know you want some (; |
Cake pops coated with pink decorating sugar! Yeap they tasted sweet enough to give you some sugar rush WOOHOO |
If I were to finish up all these on my own, I'll be having diabetes at the end of the day so I was generous enough to share them with my classmates :D |
Some coated with yellow chocolate rice (: |
I love particularly those pink ones cause it's my fave colour, so pretty don't you think? |
Don't lick, bite it :P
Love the soft texture and the rich flavour of the chocolate cake (Y) Hmm-mh, so chocolatey! |
Here's a video on how to make cake pops by the creator of cake pops, Angie Dudley who blogged at
Bakerella. For those who enjoy baking, you'll definitely love her blog cause it is the true paradise full of cute sugary treats
♥ YUMMEH Thanks to Sie Yii for recommending!
Aren't they adorable? (': and you can make them into cute icons and cartoon characters as well. Cake pops are definitely in my to-bake-list on my next sem break, can't wait!
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