Dear blog,
Remember the
day I told you I've finally found the guy who I can give my whole heart to? It still felt like everything just happened yesterday but it's been two years. Can you believe it? We've hit a new milestones together <3
Thank you for another 365 days, I'm looking forward to the next 365days with you ♡(´ε` ) |
This day, last year on 10/03/11 (; Back to place where we had our first lunch date! |
Second year celebrating our birthdays together (: |
Although we might not spend as much time as we did before, I learn to cherish and treasure every moment we get to spend together. After two years, you will still give me a call and send me a goodnight text before you sleep.. After two years, you still remember to count how many days we've been together.. After two years, we are still madly in love with each other.. After two years, you still never fail to give me butterflies in my tummy every single time I see you.. After two years, you still laugh at my jokes which aren't funny.. After two years, you still had me fell head over heels over you.. After two years, you still can't handle my shopping obsession.. After two years, you still love me even when I'm being my normal silly self.. After two years, gladly you're still the same person when I first met you, fine maybe you're more mature now and mm growing sideward as well? *cough* but isn't it a good thing? :P After two years, surprisingly we fought less!
Here's to another year to create precious memories together. Another year to discover new things to enjoy about each other. Another year to strengthen our relationship through what the ups and downs may bring. I have no idea our future will be like but hopefully there would another year to celebrate the our 3rd anniversary and many more to come. I can see that it's gonna be a long road ahead of us but I know I won't give up easily on us even if the skies gets rough *I Won't Give Up by Jason Mraz cues*
I don’t need a perfect one, I just need someone who can make me feel like I’m the only one , your one and only princess ♥ |
We understand each other and we care about each other, and I believe that years from now we still will ♥ |
Happy 2nd anniversary, baby boy! ( ´ ▽ ` ) I love you, always will, always have.
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