Happy Friday in advanced!( ´ ▽ ` )ノ As you all know, I'm currently in Kuala Terengganu (KT) for my fourth clinical placement. Time really flies as today marks the end of my third week here, which means I have one more week left. Gosh! So, let this post bring you for a tour around Kuala Terengganu, one of those post filled with tons of photos and crappy captions. I'll blog about some of the places in detail when I'm free HEHE These are some of the photos I took during the first weekend I spent in KT.
The airport, I'm really amazed by the architecture! |
This is the homestay that I'm currently staying at (: |
This is actually a few floors of parking lot, real cool isn't it? They call it parking bertingkat, idk what it is in English LOL I've never seen it in my entire life *jakun* |
One fine day in Kuala Terengganu~ |
Next destination - Dataran Syahbandar! |
They normally have night market here every Friday, besides that there's really nothing much here. |
Their one of a kind bus! It is known as bas keranda (read: coffin bus) for its look that resembles a coffin. #onlyinTerengganu |
Pintu gerbang (gateway arch) and there are like 1243830554 of it even in the small town of KT itself -_- |
Some random gigantic vacant building. |
Kuala Terengganu Central Market or known as Pasar Payang by the locals, where you can get most of the souvenirs here. |
And of course, this is Chinatown! |
Kuala Terengganu Waterfront. |
My heavy eyelids are dropping halfway as I'm updating this post, pretty much the reason why I didn't blog properly. IKR, shame on me (*´∀`*) Anyways, I should really start packing for my day trip to Pulau Kapas tomorrow o((*^▽^*))o YAYYERS and get some sleep since I need to get up pretty early tomorrow. Till then, gooooodbye!
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