Sabtu, 26 Mei 2012

A Rainbow Halo

If you guys are following me on twitter or a friend of mine in FB, you would have known the big fuss I made about the ring around the bushsun this morning. I received a call from Dad who was at work asking me to take a photo of the peculiar rainbow that is surrounding the sun. I don't know why but I have goosebumps all over after that, quickly grab my camera and headed outside. After a few minutes of squinting my eyes just cause the sun is too bright today, this is what I saw!
A rainbow halo #cerealspitting.jpg

It feels like the sun is in a bubble *poke poke*

Since nobody cares to explain what sorcery is this, being my usual self, I went and ask Uncle Google and this is what I found;
“ In folklore, a ring (often called a halo) seen around the sun or the moon means precipitation (usually rain) is coming — Source.
But somehow it's not true cause it didn't rain after that, not even a bit the whole day. Uncle wiki helps as well, which I didn't bother finish reading it cause physics isn't my forte, like how it occurs due to refraction or reflection of light with ice crystals instead of water yadaa yadaa yadaa Somehow it's a mysterious optical phenomena that is actually not uncommon at all, there are people who witnessed it before in the other parts of the world (Here, here, here, here and here).  

I guess I'm lucky to be able to see one, it's just one of those extraordinary Saturdays perhaps ♥ 
Happy weekends!


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