Back to the weekend after my birthday, I was invited to celebrate Benefit Cosmetics' first standalone boutique first anniversary. Well, all good things happened in the month of September (; It was a pretty exclusive event cause it's only for selected bloggers who are born in the month of September but the best part is you'll get to bring along 5 guests! Of course, being a big fan of Benefit Cosmetics, I agreed without hesitation and brought along my elder sister and Joeann with me.
In case you don't know, Benefit Cosmetics boutique is in 1 Utama Shopping Center. Located on the same row with Topshop, it's impossible to miss this shop with the truckloads of pinkness. |
Love how most of the decors and furniture are in pink too (✿ ♥‿♥) |
Yummy mini beef pies and pink guava juice were served. |
What's a birthday without a cake right? And this my friend, is the beautiful birthday cake! Perfectly done with the tiniest details, so cute that even it's edible, I don't think I want to eat it. |
Once registration is done, the event started off with the traditional candle blowing ceremony for the September babies. |
Felt like celebrities surrounded by paparazzi with the camera's flash flashing at us and having our photos taken when we blew the candles teehee (*ノωノ) |
The compulsory shot with the birthday cake :D |
We had this astonishing magician to entertain us with his jaw-dropping magics. It was really impressive!
Little birdy wanna join in the fun as well :P |
After the exciting magic show, we had an opportunity check out their new product, Gimme Brow which is also one of the main highlights of the birthday bash.
Introducing Gimme Brow, brow-volumizing fiber gel that comes with two different shades (light/medium & medium/deep). Now available at all Benefit counters and official retailers in Malaysia selling at RM85 each! |
The make up artist briefly explained the product before demonstrating on how it works. Model of the day: Kahmon. |
Working on the magic wand....anddddd be prepared to be amazed by the result! |
TADAAA! You could see the instant effect on the right brow where it appears fuller and more voluminous. It's easy to apply and most importantly, it looks very natural, no? I shall do a review on Gimme Brow in a separate post (: |
After the demonstration, it was time for the beauty bloggers to experience The Great Browzini themselves.
While waiting for my turn, I took the opportunity to walk around the store and check out the cosmetics they have.
The best selling POREfessional, Benetint and How to Look The Best in Everything kit. Don't you secretly wish you can bring back all of these home? |
All hyped up for my brow makeover. To be honest, I've always neglected my eyebrows when it comes to eye make up cause I have zero idea how to do it or even worse, where to start. The most I'll use usually would be just eyeliner and mascara. My Benefit Assistant was very helpful indeed, answering my questions and teaching me how to draw my brows. She even shared some brow tips with me (: |
Before | After Having well defined and perfectly shaped brows that suit your face does make a huge impact to your appearance. This look was achieved by using the Instant Brow Pencil and High Brow. My verdict: Loving it ♥♥♥ |
My brow makeover doesn't just end here. There's more...
Each of us were given this coupon to claim a free brow wax worth RM42 and my BA offered to do it for me right away so I thought, why not? #challengeaccepted I usually have my brows trimmed and tweezed so it was my first time to experience brow wax.
Feeling a tad nervous, the first question I blurted out was " Is it painful? " She said it is less painful than tweezing ಠ_ಠ ಠ_ಠ ಠ_ಠ ಠ_ಠ No, that's not true. HAHA Well probably it's not applicable to me in the first place cause I have low tolerance towards to pain. |
Looks like some minor surgery is going on with all the waxing tools. Before waxing your brow, the BA will ask you a few simple questions and test the wax on your hand. |
Hi Shin Chan! I love those words on the cape I'm wearing :P Besides brow waxing, Benefit Cosmetics provide body and also facial waxing services. |
Knowing that Benefit Cosmetics has always been the brow expert since 1976, I know I'm in good hands. I'll just have to sit back, relax and let the experts do what they do best. |
Look at my wide grin, well I'm actually screamng in the inside cause of the pain HAHAHA jkjk |
There you go, my unwanted brows T___T NO PAIN NO GAIN yaw! |
The aftermath // Goodbye untidy brows, hello clean and sleek brows! The whole process didn't take long, less than 15 minutes. Fret not if there's redness around the eyebrow areas after waxing, it's totally normal (:My verdict: Worth the pain ♥♥♥♥ |
Other September babies getting their brows makeover too (: |
Just some final touch up with eyebrow and I'm good to go. |
My final look ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ What do you think? One my friend commented that I have the Korean eyebrows. |
Group photo with all the September babies :D |
Doing what girls do best, SELCA! ヽ(^Д^)ノ It's been a while since I last attended event like this, so it was delightful to see some familiar and new faces. Top row (L-R): Wilee, Kahmon, Carolyn Tay, Ysquare Bottom row (L-R): Jennifer, Iris, Yuhjiun |
Joeann and I (: |
Pardon me, I obviously can't have enough of my new brows HEH |
Thanks Benefit for having us, we girls sure had a fun time together at the birthday bash! |
Not to forget the goodie bag as well, 5 full sized items including the new Gimme Brow! How generous (≧∇≦) There's even a happy birthday note with my name on it. Thanks so much, again! |
Ending this post with another vain selfie :P Beautiful brows courtesy of Benefit Cosmetics. Trust me, you won't regret! |
For more details of their stores and products and beauty tips, feel free to check out their official FB page
HERE and oh you might wanna follow their instagram page too,
@BenefitCosmeticsMy (:
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