Last Sunday was definitely an unforgettable one! Dragged myself out of bed early, dress comfortably as told and made my way to the Curve without having a slightest idea of what is in store for us that day. We were only told that the event would be some sort of Amazing Race, sounds exciting enough to me :D
I was one of the first few to register and was assigned to Team Cheetah. We were all randomly divided into a group of 4 and I was glad to see familiar names in my team HEHE |
Good thing that it was sunny that day ☼☼ |

Before the event started, each team was given a 4G enabled Samsung Note 3. What's a 4G LTE network, you ask? 4G is an upgrade from 3G network while LTE or known as Long Term Evolution is a wireless platform standard that is currently the most advanced available throughout the world. Pardon me if I'm explaining it in the simplest English with no cool adjectives cause all these tech stuff and everything that revolves around it is definitely not my forte. So back to the race, we were then required to download an app called QR Code Reader because all of our clue will be all in the form of QR Code. And guess how long does it take for the app to be downloaded? In just a blink of an eye. Okay lah, maybe not that fast but still it's less than 5 secs, I can assure you. I kid you not. Maxis 4G LTE offers speeds up to 75Mbps and typical average speeds of 10Mbps to 30Mbps. And of course, the speed varies according to the coverage and location that you are in.
And our host of the day was none other than the bubbly Ben from FlyFm! |
First and foremost, a welcome speech by Fernie Jasmine, Maxis representative from Marketing. |
Then, it was time for the flag off! With the 4G network and QR Code Reader app ready, we bloggers were all pumped up for our first task! On your mark, ready, set......GO! |
We had to scan the QR codes on these balloons to get our first clue, ganjeong (read: suspense) level 1000x! So each member was given only 20 seconds until we got the clue and this task totally depends on your luck. After a few tries, we finally got the first clue. Not too bad eh? Then, we had to have our passport stamped and we drove off to our next destination which was Mad Monkeyz at Wangsa Maju. |
Once the QR code is scanned, our clue and the address of the place will be shown. We copied the address and let Waze does what it does best :P |
Commercial break HEHEHE since we had some time to kill in the car. |
Meet Povy, I bet everyone knows her! Oh wait, I just realised I haven't even introduce my team members yet *smacks head* |
If you followed me on Twitter or Instagram, you would have known that I was in #TeamCheetah! ROAR And I had all the powerful bloggers in my team, Isaac, Povy and Ben (L-R) Wonder if we have what it takes to be the fastest team? You have to continue reading to find out :3 |
The second team to arrive at the destination! |
As expected, the task was definitely rock climbing and just so you know this was my first time experiencing it. It wasn't as difficult as I thought it would be and I somehow managed to nail it quite well HEH Will definitely come back again and I had a pretty bad sore on my arms the very next day too. |
Papa Isaac in action! Too bad I didn't have a photo of me rock climbing T___T |
We completed rock climbing pretty fast too and we are required to upload the video of us rock climbing onto Google + but due to some technical problem, we still managed to get our next clue. Where to? Sunway Lagoon wooohooo too bad there was no water activity.
The clue to us was to park at the lowest basement for easier access and there was a mini challenge awaiting for us.
Of course when it comes to speed, there is definitely something to do with race cars! And again we managed to download this app within 5 seconds with the 4G network, speaking of lightning speed (Y) |
Choosing a better race car to enhance our performance vroooom vrooom vrooom |
And our score was pretty good *smirks* compared to the other teams cause we were told that we could buy a better racecar while the other teams has no idea about it. |
His score was the highest among us, thus the double thumbs up :P |
What's next? #TEAMCHEETAH iz ready for some go kart action wooohoooo |
Turned out that we were given a two seater go-kart for this task so meh, I didn't get to drive it. |
We had the gentlemen to drive us instead #likeaboss and we had to complete 3 laps in total. |
WEEEE I was obviously enjoying my ride. I thought Ben was a safe driver though but in fact it was the go-kart that couldn't go any faster HAHA if only the go kart can go as fast as 4G network, it would be one hell of a thrilled ride. Once we were done, we ran all the way back to our car and drove to The Curve which was our last destination. |
Thanks Maxis for being thoughtful, providing us with water, 100 plus and even snacks to munch in the car. |
Surprisingly, we were the first team to arrive at the pit-stop! But nah, that didn't make us the winner cause there is still one last challenge to be completed but we had to wait for another 4 teams to arrive before we could start. |
Wonder what was our final challenge? Yes, watermelons were involved. |
It was a watermelon eating challenge...without using your hands. Huh? Go figure! |
I guess the size of the watermelons did scare most of us a little. |
Heheh that's Povy geared up in poncho cause she didn't wanna get her white t-shirt stained. Smart move! |
I told myself no more watermelon for this year, I had more than ENOUGH that day. At times like this, I wish I had a bigger mouth LOLOL |
All tasks completed! #successkid.jpg |
After that, I had the chance to watch other teams getting wet with the juicy watermelons. Okay, that doesn't sound right tsk tsk
This round, the bloggers were aware of the poncho strategy and made good use of it. |
THE HORRENDOUS AFTERMATH Looked like they just had a battle with the watermelons BLOGGERS 5 WATERMELON 0 Rebecca was really going for it, literally smashed her face into the watermelon and whacked the whole thing in less than 3 seconds :O Wait, that's even faster than the 4G network! One of the bloggers recorded it and I think it was on youtube :P |
Finally....the moment we all have been waiting for. Who will be the lucky ones to walk away with Ipad Mini and Samsung Note 3 along with Maxis 4G LTE Mobile Wifi Modem?
Team Leopard who came in second place, won themselves an Ipad Mini each! |
And the winner team goes to Team Stallion who won themselves a Samsung Note 3 each! |
A group photo at the end of the day and that's a wrap! Congratulations once again to all the winners! :DDDDDD though I secretly wish I was one of them. |
Of course I didn't go home empty handed, I had a bag filled with goodies and of course an awesome experience with great friends and fun-filled adventures. Definitely looking forward for more events like this! |
For more info of Maxis 4G LTE, check out their
website and
FB page!
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