Hello earthlings :D
It's been a while since I post a proper update. Now that I'm in a pretty good mood and I have good internet connection, air conditioned room with privacy and a small annoying kid, all these definitely favour my blogging mojo back. Still, I'm struggling to find the words to say heh oh my
Yesterday was one of the best day ever but it was kinda weird to spend my first monthsary at the airport which is obviously sad cause I had to say goodbye at the end of the day. We reached there quite early so we were camwhoring a lot and did some stupid stuff that somehow caught people's attention HAHAH as if we cared. Had lunch after that @ Old Town White Coffee (:

I checked in 2 hours before my flight and entered the departure hall around 3pm. I was surprised to see some of my old friends, it was great catching up w them. Boarded the plane 40 minutes later and yeah the flight was packed. I was happy cause I got to sit beside the window but the downside was there was these two men sitting next to me me. One is a terrorist and another one is a plane hijacker. Isn't it the same? HAHAHA They were
It felt like a four hours flight to me cause I can barely sleep in plane and I was getting sick to my playlist playing those few songs over and over again sigh All I could do was just staring blankly at those think clouds and wishing that I was sliding in one of those fluffy cotton candy look a like clouds weeee So the moment I saw the familiar sea and buildings when the plane almost landed, my heart was beating fast cause I was really excited to see the family especially Megan ♥
The night was good, me and my family went to eat out and I got to eat my favourite food, talked a lot w my parents about every little thing and guess what? Mum gave me the greenlight to get a new phone, I'll talk about that in another post, okay? This post is getting a bit lengthy already. I don't want you guys to fall asleep half way reading to my blog. We went to the mall after dinner to get groceries and headed home around 9-ish (: I'm really glad that everything went well yesterday and I received a good news from the boyf later that night as well. What more can I ask for right?
To be continued.
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