What to do on a Saturday afternoon when your boyf ditched you for his nap, your younger sister went to tuition and most of your friends were not online? Most of them headed to either Gatsby Street Fair @ Times Square or PC Fair @ KLCC and as for me, I'm stuck in my hometown in Sarawak and I have no where to go.
So why not make some mashed potato's Hilda way since I've mentioned in my previous post? But why mashed potato? Because my boyf likes mashed potato c: so I've decided to learn how to make one so that I can make one for him. Kenneth Wong, I know I'm sweet tsk tsk (PERASAN SIAL)
Let's get started, shall we? :)

Ingredients: 3 potatoes, unpeeled, 40g butter, 100ml hot milk, 1/4 tsp salt and pinch of salt and dash of pepper to taste.

Put potatoes in a large pot. Add enough water to cover and add in 1/4 teaspoon salt. Bring to a boil then reduce heat and simmer for 25–30 minutes or until potatoes are tender. Drain and leave aside to cool.

Peel the potatoes then put them into a pan.

Add butter and heat over a low fire.

Mash the potatoes until smooth in texture.

Gradually pour in the hot milk.

Beat until the mixture turns creamy without any lumps. Add in a pinch of salt and a dash of pepper to taste.
And as for the gravy;
Ingredients:1 1/3 tbsp butter, 1 tbsp flour, Big onion (chopped), 1/8 tsp black pepper, 1/8 tsp pepper, 1/8 tsp black soya sauce for colour and 1 1/2 cups of water.

Heat butter till it melts and add in the flour.

Then, stir well over low heat.

Add in the water gradually and bring to a boil.

Mix in the rest of the ingredients and simmer until gravy is thick.

Use gravy as a topping for your mashed potatoes.

Tadaa! Both my mashed potato and gravy in less than 20 minutes!

Clearly, it looks like a disaster but trust me, not until you taste that ugl-eh po-tay-to!

Want some? Free wor!

So, I found my first mouse for my so-called experiment teehee She gives me a thumb up the moment I took my camera HAHAHA very supportive, I know :)

&& she said YUMMY :D (I'm not sure if she's lying though -__-)
W/ flash, w/o flash and w/o my face -___-
So let see what is she going to say about my mashed potato!
P/s: She created the line all by herself (Y) and please ignore the background 'music'.
Glad that everyone ate my mashed potato and finished the whole thing tonight as well :D So what are you waiting for? Try it yourself!
Anyway, I promise that my next post will not be another recipe, not to say you even I'm sick of it HAHAHA It's time to get back to those normal updates LOL & one more thing, have a nice weekend everyone!
Stay tuned ♥
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