As you all know, I'm staying in the hostel at the moment and I called it home not-very-sweet home cause obviously it's not as comfy as my home back in Sarawak. I'm staying in a triple sharing room with Joe Ann and Elin who is going to move in by this Sunday (can't wait) I'm just so lucky to have them to accompany me (: cause I wouldn't want to go through a new process of meeting new room mates, had enough of that. So let's have a tour to my room teehee it's not that spacious but it's cosy in a way too so yeah I'm good with it. There's only one person who can walk around at a time or else we'll bump into each other butts HAHAH THAT'S EXAGGERATING FOR SURE! I'm trying my best to make myself to feel at home, my own home for a total of 6 months.
Elin has one too and there's going to be three of them later! Mine is on the left while Joe Ann's is the one on the right heh So cute right? *perasan*
The one thing that I like about this hostel than the previous one is the locker! It is much much more bigger. See, it's hinting me to get more clothes and yes, I'm running out of hangers ugh :/
I'm sleeping on the top of the double decker and Joeann's sleeping under me and the other one that is vacant there is for Elin.
&& that's me behind there, folding my clothes cause it was not like what you've seen previously in the last few pics :p
I've always have this thing with seeing outside the window at night. It creeps me out! So I'll always make sure that the curtains covers everything when I'm all alone. Yes, call me a coward cause I admit I'm one. So I guess that is it, no more any decent photos of my room that I would like to share :p Not advisable to disclose too much details HAHAH wtf
& this is what happened yesterday night. Joeann and I have always wanted to try light painting! We gave it a try and it was an epic failure I tell you HAHA but it was real fun doodling with torchlight in the dark!
I personally like this; it is actually a combination of my phone light and torchlight and I wonder why is it red :O

Till then~
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