Selasa, 06 Juli 2010

Meet Agnes!

Thanks to Chelsea, Lynn and Kee cause apparently this scene that I'm going to show you (below) is stuck in my head! They keep repeating the phrase, 'It's so fluffy I'm gonna die' yesterday so I was wondering what the hell is that. So Lynn showed me this video! Must click must click if and only if you're a fan of cartoons heh


It's so fluffy, I'm gonna die HAHAHAH wtf I can't resist the cuteness OMG

This movie is out on this Thursday! Can't wait to watch it in 3D w/ the boyf but not anytime soon though since there's too much stuffs in hand to settle now sigh no time for movie, not even Eclipse sadsad

Hilda: Does this count as annoying? *imitating Agnes w/ the hitting mouth action*
Boyf: It's so lovely
Hilda: Said nothing and continue playing the Agnes video clip over and over again
Boyf: I know you're fluffly lah!
Hilda: and chubby too -.-

Keep yrself entertained while waiting for my next post :D Stay tuned!


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