For the past few weeks, my schedule has been pretty occupied with uni and events that I barely have enough time to rest, even my last update was a week ago. I have never been this busy before but no, I'm not complaining. It's my final year in Uni so I figure it's best to live the student life to the fullest before I start working (the only thing that I dread the most now). I'm currently on my one week Raya Haji holiday but as much as I wish I have the luxury to laze the entire week, of course I'm caught up with my research proposal. Good thing that I have my topic finalized, so I'm now good to start working on it; which means I wouldn't get to attend events that much anymore.
Oh well, enough of my rantings. I shall get back to the Kiss Me Sunway Lagoon event that I attended two weeks back. All thanks to Manoah and Kiss Me for the invitation! It's my first time attending such event with so many bloggers, a good start to step up from my comfort zone I guess. I've always been a socially-awkward penguin when it comes to event like this cause I can be pretty shy at times. It was supposed to be a BFF event where you can bring along a friend of yours but since none of my friends can make it,
Yuki found a partner for me, who was a housemate to a friend of hers. Prior to the event, we contacted through Whatsapp and we met only on the day of event itself.
Being excited yet nervous at the same time, I hardly got any sleep the night before. Yet I had to get up at 7am that morning and made my way to Sunway Lagoon. Since there was also other company's family day happening on the same day, the place was really filled to the brim that we had to braved ourselves among the massive crowd to walk around. But that ain't gonna stop us girls from having fun!
Meet Khine, my partner of the day (: I made a good choice wearing my pink crop top cause it matches the official colour of Kiss Me HEH |
Just when I wanted to use my camera, I realized that I didn't bring along my memory card. Genius much -_- I didn't have a waterproof pouch with me as well, so I kept my phone in the locker throughout the event. I was bummed out that I couldn't take much photos for the event. I can't be blogging an event without nice photos, right? So thank goodness for the Kiss Me's marshals and photographers for most of the photos taken during the event.
After settling all our stuff at the locker area, we were ushered to a private venue near Zazu Beach Bistro. Once we arrived, there are Kiss Me make up products awaiting for us on the table. That's the reason we were told to come with our bare face that day. |
Besides the (L-R) Kiss Me Mascara, Liquid Eyeliner and Gel Eyeliner, Kiss Me loose powder, eyelashes curler and a mirror were provided as well. So these three above are said to be waterproof, so we girls get to put them to test and see how good they are. I was pretty impressed at how easy it was to use the Gel Eyeliner, would definitely consider buying it though I prefer the brush to be slightly thinner and softer. I did my usual winged-out liner and since I had eyelash extension, I didn't get to use the mascara. |
Bloggers doing their make-up (: |
After the make up session, we were brought to Lake Kariba for our first activity. But before that, we had to form a group and come up with a group name (related to sea creatures) and a war cry. We formed a team of four with Sandy and Carmen, and I came up with Sea Urchin as our group name, at least something that wouldn't be commonly picked by other groups. We could be small but we sting HAHA and as for our war cry, it was pretty simple. Go Sea, Go Urchin, Seaaaaaaa Urchin \m/ we are not very creative people, it seems :P
Me, Khine and Cynthia. // while people are busy forming groups behind. |
Sandy was the first in line, so automatically they made her our team leader! And that's her in white completing the first task :D where each team leader had to jump into the pool and grab one of those floating sunblocks. The first team to return to the marshal with the sunblock gets a 10 point leads.. but no, it wasn't our team. |
Sunkiller Perfect Strong Plus with SPF 50+ AND PA++++. Four freaking plus sign! This is the first sunblock with the highest PA that I've seen. We then have to apply sunscreen on our face and body to avoid being sun-kissed. The sun has no mercy on us that day, it was scorching hot the entire morning. After that, we were given an envelope with all our tasks in it, altogether 8 checkpoints to be completed in an hour and a half time. |
We went to grab a map and off we went to our first checkpoint.
We thought that the Native Weapon (one of the clues we had) would be at Wild Wild West so we headed all the way there to find that there was nothing there so we headed to the scream park instead cause it was the nearest to us. |
1st Checkpoint: Scream Park
No idea why isn't there any photo of us at the scream park though the marshals did took a photo of us before entering T__T and I swear going through the scream park was the worst 10 minutes in my life! I loathe horror movies and anything related to its kind and what's even worse when the place is all dark. I was quite reluctant to go in at first but it was a teamwork, so I had to. We were paired up with Yeeing's team and we just braved ourselves in. I requested to be in the middle of the line cause I felt at least a little bit safer. I didn't even dare to open my eyes! Themed War World Z, there were zombies scaring and attacking us out of no where every minute and we just screamed the entire time and ran for our life. Some of them even jumped out from the door, I wish I could have just passed out and skip the task. The moment I saw the exit, I was like Hallelujah, I'm finally out but then there was a zombie waiting for us carrying a saw there! That was just TOO insane, no more next time.
2nd Checkpoint: Davy Jones' Locker
The girls are excited to get on this ride but not me. I always say that I'm an adventurous person but ironically I can't take extreme rides, especially the ones that go 360 ° up in the sky. The last ride I had was Cockscrew up in Genting and that was it. Shame on me, IKR. I bailed out and waited for them to finish this ride instead.
Sandy and Khine :D |
Forgot what Sandy was telling the marshal but I guess it must be pretty funny from my facial expression :P |
3rd Checkpoint: Creepy Crawlers
This task on the other hand was a piece of cake for me (; cause I wasn't scared of cockroaches. We had to find 2 pieces of scrabble pieces each in the box filled with 10 hissing Madagascar roaches each to make the word WILDLIFE. So I dig through the soil and roaches to pick the other scrabble pieces to the surface so it's easier for the girls. The marshal kept on reminding me to not kill the roaches HAHAHA but the roaches are fine, they don't bite or crawl on you. just gently sweep them off. We managed to get this task done fast and we had to hid back the pieces back into the soil for the next group.
4th Checkpoint: Puoooooong
We have only 45 minutes left when we reached the 4th checkpoint. Looking at the long queue, which was three-storey high, we were completating if we should go for this task. We had to either wait in line or ask for permission to cut the queue. We saw another group who was half-way heading up to the top so we figured maybe we should just go for it. Of course, on our way up, we got TONS of nasty comments from those who probably have been waiting for the past one hour or even longer. All we could do was to apologize profusely and squeezed our way through with our thick face.
Those people behind are us... were really mad at us and their words really hurt. |
Happy faces before the wild ride! It was less scary compared to the African Pythons rides, it was okay in the beginning and it got more exciting at the end. Definitely a fun ride, I wouldn't mind going for a second time! |
5th Checkpoint: KayakingWith just 20 minutes left, we tried out luck with Waterplexx 5D but the queue was insane and we were not allowed to cut the queue so we decided to go for kayaking which was located at the far end of the surf beach. Since I had experience in kayaking few years back in NS, I decided to go for it. Immediately, I hop onto the back seat and we had to make a figure 8 around two floats at the lake. Somehow we had a hard time making our way back and we kept going to the opposite direction so we ended up reversing the kayak all the way back to the dock.
Still,we managed to finish this task in time. Since there was a long queue at the ATV checkpoint, the marshal was kind enough to give us our sticker of completion by just performing our war cry to. |
With just few minutes left, we ran as fast as we could back to the Zazu Beach Bistro to meet the head of marshal. We managed to complete 6 tasks out of 8 (Native Weapon & Waterplexx 5D) but I guess we were late and marks were deducted every minute passed 12.40pm ): Nevertheless, we enjoyed ourselves throughout all the tasks.
After all the sweat and water we were drenched in, we had our quick shower before treated with lunch and being pampered for the whole afternon. Life sure is good (:
All freshen up and ready to fill our tummy with fooood. As you can see, my eyeliner is still there (even after shower) without a slightest smudge :OOOO I'm very very impressed, I must say. |
Manicure section. |
You'll get to choose from an array of pink shades, ranging from cotton candy pink to bright pink, even those with glitters! |
This is how mine look like (: |
There's a photobooth as well with so many props provided as well! |
This is the makeup station where all the girls get to have a makeover session, including getting our hair done. Since they have limited time, I didn't manage to get my hair done booohoo |
Then it was time to announce the winners!
Congratulations to the first prize winner, Team Catfish (Group #14) They went home with hamper worth RM2,100 of Kiss Me makeup products. How nice! You could read about their write up here too; HERE and HERE. |
And as for those who didn't win, there was lucky draw for us; I won myself a RM20 Kiss Me voucher. |
Of course they would not let us going home empty handed as well., so each of us went home with a goodie bag and a Kiss Me balloon :DDD |
Last but not least, group photo with the bunch of female bloggers to mark the end of the event. |
Thanks again Kiss Me and Manoah for the fun-filled pink Saturday, I had a blast and it was great meeting with the bloggers! Defo' looking forward for more events like this (;
For more details about Kiss Me, feel fee to drop by their
FB page anytime.
Till then, loves ♥