Sabtu, 27 Maret 2010

Earth Unplugged!

So this is what I did during Earth hour last night.

Yeah, this is what I did. You can't see me me right? Of course, I'm in the dark! We're supposed to switch off everything so yeah HAHAHA We're talking and breathing in total darkness.

Well, not exactly. I was going online in the dark heh

As usual, FaceBook-ing and tweeting! *notice my status?*

And we decided to go out for a car ride after that with Joeann and her family.

The moon


Joeann's huge ass tortoises

P/s: I decided not to add any watermark for all of my photos for this post cause I think my watermark will actually ruin them tsk Anyway, just sit back and enjoy!

This is it, my very own EARTH HOUR 2010 (:

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