Sabtu, 20 November 2010

Hauls with love from Taiwan ☺

Obviously my title says it all ~ The elder sister went to Taiwan 2 weeks ago and brought back some stuffs for me Arigato gozaimasu!

'Sun' cookies and Shrek's version of Kinder Joy (that's for Megan)
& not to forget beef jerky, dried cuttlefish and instant noodles too

Coloured contact lens for only RM11.50 per pair :O

Mini totes and cute pouch

Super chio and huge ass Doreamon recycle bag

Keychains with Taiwan NTD1o coin

Chiffon floral dress and a sling bag

It's winter in Taiwan at the moment (as low as 10 degree celcius!) so you can hardly find any summer clothings there T___T but you can get various types of winter clothings (even those with furs lol) and boots there plus they are mad cheap! Too bad we can't wear them here so there's no point of buying them anyway. How I wish I was there myself so that I can buy a shitloads of stuffs back sigh

Now I'm determined to save money so that I can go travelling with my sister one day! Next trip will be Bangkok (another shopping heaven) or Koh Samui with the lovelies ~ If and only if money grows on tree wtf but I need to get myself a camera first, my own camera to be exact. Hopefully by next year :D

Last but not least, the greatest haul of the trip will be this item below HAHA

Sanitary pad, you ask me?

What's so special bout this satinary pad?!

It's actually marshmallows inside wtf HAHAHAHA GOTCHA!

4 sweet fluffy marshies in a packet, how cool!

So that's pretty much it I guess (; Another reason to be happy in the month of November *wide grin*

Enough of crapping, it's time to head back to my books, finals in 4 days I can't wait for it to be OVER!


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