Selasa, 18 Juni 2013

Recipe: Low Fat Banana Chocolate Loaf

Hi guys!

Well if you know me, you would know baking is definitely one of the things I enjoy doing! I'll definitely try out a new recipe to bake everytime I'm home on a semester break.

So this time round, I decided to do a low-fat banana chocolate loaf. It's a bread in a way but it looks like a cake too. It works either way I guess :P The initial plan was to bake a marble cake first, but I had a few overripe bananas so I suppose it's better to make good use of them rather than throwing them away.

300 g self raising flour 
60 g sugar 
1 cup chocolate chips 
1 cup mashed banana (approximately 3 bananas)
2 eggs 
1 tsp baking soda 
1 tsp vanilla essence 
250 ml low fat milk

Oh, don't forget the secret ingredients too but it wouldn't be a secret if I tell you. So don't forget to add a cup full of love and a tsp of patience as well! HAHA Lame IKR. And for a even healthier version, it's best to use brown sugar instead and maybe you can replace the chocolate chips with berries or nuts. You can also add sliced bananas or almond slices on top of your bread. 

Daddy even got me a new set of measuring cups and spoons (^▽^) 


  1. Preheat oven to 180C. 
  2. Sift flour and baking soda into a large bowl. 
  3. Add brown sugar and chocolate chips, mix well. 
  4. Add milk, eggs, vanilla essence and mashed banana. Gently fold the batter until well combined. Do not over mixed the batter, lumps are totally fine. 
  5. Spoon batter into a lined tin and top with almond slices or anything as desire. 
  6. Bake in preheated oven for 30 mins. 
  7. Serve warm! It tastes extra nice when it's warm (: 
Here's the end result :D
I was really happy cause I never expected it to be this successful.
Most importantly, it smells really good! 

Here's how it looks in the inside. 

Close up of the yummy banana chocolate loaf I made.

Too bad the loaf was a tad dry due to the fact that I added extra flour when the batter was runny. So do expect a slightly runny batter. The whole loaf gets even harder everytime I heat it up(; ̄д ̄) so it wasn't a total success after all #macamyestapibukan

Love the fact that this is a really easy recipe and it requires no oil or butter! Healthy much, no? It's suitable to be served for breakfast or tea. If you love banana, you'll definitely love this. Feel free to give it a try :D   

Definitely gonna bake again this week, so stay tuned for the next recipe okay? Happy baking!


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