Kamis, 25 Juli 2013

FREE Celcom 500 PortaWiFi to give away this Raya!

Now that it's halfway through Ramadhan, I bet most of you guys are anticipating for Raya. Even for us, the non Muslims cause we get to have holidays too, a week of holiday for me. The perks of being a university students *smirks*

In conjuction with Raya this year, Celcom is giving out 500 FREE PortaWiFi devices for travelers. Yes, I repeat. For FREE! Now you can go online on the go while you're on your way back to kampung for your Raya celebration. How thoughtful, eh? (; 

Today was just like any ordinary day as I passed by the Batu Tiga toll until I saw someone standing beside the toll booth giving out flyers. Since I was curious, I decided to kepoh (read: nosy) to find out what could it be. 

Hi, Santa Claus! You're early this year and why aren't you wearing your usual red outfit HEH (x

So the flyer says it all, I guess!  Such a pleasant surprise, right? 

So guys, be on the lookout for these 'santa claus' who are giving out flyers when you drive up to pay your toll! You might be one of the lucky 500 to receive the flyer, don't miss out :D

Yayyyy can't wait to redeem my free dongle tomorrow and try out this PortaWifi myself. Wooohooo!


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